

How many times have you started off each new year or each season declaring a new resolution? Or have challenged yourself or set an expectation of yourself that you simply did not fulfill. I know that I have, I will be the first to raise my hand. The key to achieving those goals that we’ve set for ourselves has little to do with the goal itself but has everything to do with who we are. Our mindset, our perspective and outlook on life, our daily habits and routines.

Becoming by definition, is the process of coming to be something. It is any process of change. So why are we making it more difficult than it has to be.

I’m here to tell you to stop waiting to become this person that you’ve always dreamed of. Be her now, be him now. Be fully present in who you are today in this very moment. If you said that you want to be more kind start practicing kindness. It costs nothing, but it is invaluable in the essence of who you are becoming. If you want to be punctual, arrive early. Think about the message that you are demonstrating to yourself and how that will positively impact your life and the amazing opportunities to follow. If you want to be a leader, be a better role model and exhibit good habits and leadership skills. If you want to be an entrepreneur sit down and write out your business plan and ideas. Whatever it is that you desire to be, see yourself as this person and put forth the actionable steps to show up as him or her today. Don’t wait a second or a day longer. Although becoming is a process, showing up for yourself daily will amaze you at who you’ve become down the road.

As always, be inspired, be encouraged, be blessed.

