Hindsight is 2020

At the height of the year many people, myself included were ready to take 2020 by storm. I was so eager to close one chapter and begin the next with such intentionality, focus and excitement. This was the year of clarity, a year of vision. Feel free to insert any other mantra or affirmation centered around what you decided this year would be. This was the year that I decided to be unstoppable. While it has been enthralled with many highs and for some, met with many lows, it incited in me a different perspective. Afterall, Hindsight is 20:20.

None of us could have foreseen or were prepared for the awakening that was about to take place. And rather than bask in the negatives, I choose to view this year through the lens of all the lessons it has brought about.

Here are a few lessons that I’m grateful for.

  • This year gave us time to sow. For the seeds we plant today, will determine our harvest for tomorrow. What kind of seeds did you sow this year? Did you sow Compassion, Love, Time, Gratitude, Patience? Perhaps you laid the foundation for that business idea that you never had the time to devote your attention to. I was excited to see that it birthed so many entrepreneurs and creatives and innovators.

  • This year afforded us rest. Sometimes we are so on the go that we don’t allow ourselves time to rest and just be at peace. Let me be the first to acknowledge and say, if all you did was get through the year, my dear friend you are truly blessed.

  • This year gave us moments of quiet stillness. For it is during these times that we can quiet the noise in our lives and really reflect on what’s next. It allows us to shift the direction of our lives and tap into our purpose. For some it may have offered the opportunity to change patterns of behavior and focus on the things that truly matter.

  • It enlightened the need to be good stewards over our finances. To ensure stability and security

  • It highlighted the importance of quality time with loved ones. They say the best things in life are free and time is one that we cannot get back. So be present in the time that you have with those that you love and cherish every moment of living. (My thoughts and prayers are with all who were impacted and experienced the loss of a loved one during this season).

So while this year may have been different, it wasn’t all bad. I implore you to shift the lens in which you’re viewing because 2020 did exactly what it set out to do. As you prepare for the next season of your life as we close out 2020 and embrace all that 2021 has in store, I want to leave with you this. My Bishop always says “Wherever there is an air of expectancy and an aroma of faith, God will do great things.” So EXPECT THE GREAT!!!

Be Inspired, Be Encouraged and Be Blessed. Happy New Year!

Hi I’m LaTrice

I am a lifestyle blogger and I want to help you elevate your Home & Lifestyle.

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